Friday, October 26, 2012

Raccoon Attack , Baby Kittens and Thrift Shopping

     The kids and I went to several thrift stores today in search of kids clothing. My kids have outgrown a lot of their winter clothing and being a growing family on a tight budget can be difficult and stressful. We managed to find some of the items on our list from the thrift stores. The only things we still need of several pairs of pants for Ashley, which I found on Ebay and I bid $5 per pair on them. I hope to win at least a few pairs of them, as she really needs them. Also, I need to take the kids to Target and get them a few new pjs. Then, I will be finished.
     Today, we got up this morning and heard kittens crying outside. Come to find out the mom cat had be attacked by the wild coyotes and her kittens were left abandoned. We took them and drove them to the humane society. One of the was pure black and the other was black and white. Poor things, I bet they got cold at night.
     Lastly, a few minutes ago I stepped outside and two huge raccoons were behind me. Trash was everywhere. Eventally, they had gotten into our trash and had a party. After I started cleaning up the mess, they just sat their watching me work and eventually they climbed up the trees.

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