Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fuel Panic, Tree Frogs, Curriculum, and Cooler Temps!

Yesterday was stressful because of the gas panic at the gas station due to the long lines of people afraid of rising prices and gas shortages in the Cali. I looked on Gas Buddy this morning and as far as I can tell the prices are the same today as they were yesterday. It looks as if gas is only around $5 in some places in Hollywood/Santa Monica Blvd. area. After getting gas yesterday, I went to Target and picked up stuff for dinner for the next few days. I got a Feta Cheese, Spinach and Tomato pizza and and Tomato, Basil and Cheese pizza and I plain cheese pizza for the kids. I also got stuff for hamburgers, although I got the meat and the meat deli store down the road. I refuse to buy my ground meat at a regular grocery store because I am afraid of pink slime. Ashley also found a cute Jansport backpack that she had been wanting that was clearanced from $30 to $4. I let her get it because she has been wanting it for weeks.
I moved my 2 tree frogs that hitched a ride with us from NorCal to SoCal inside in the terrarium setup. They seem very happy. They are very active little things and they love relaxing in the their water dish. I have to be careful when I open the door because on of the loves to jump out over and over. I went and got crickets for them and as soon as I put them in there, one of the little guys ate one. I am honestly shocked that they survived as long as they had outside in the desert summer heat. If it hadn't been for my pots outside with water in them, they more then likely would have died. Those guys require a moist environment, which is why they thrive so much in NorCal. The kids and I went on a river hike while in NorCal and caught 30 of them at one time. They are everywhere up there.
So, today has went good so far. The laundry is done and outside drying. The AC is on today so no one is overheated. We had sandwiches for lunch. I made bananna nut muffins and scrambled eggs for breakfast for the kids. Math and English are done so far and as soon as this blog is done, we will start another subject. The kids have many subjects in order to be well rounded. They have Math, Science, Social Studies, Writing, Spelling, Reading, Grammer, Cursive, Typing, and Art. They also have many extra curricular learning activities on the side. I also bought them both Preteen growing up type health books that I have begun reading to them. Just because we homeschool does not mean that they cannot learn as much or more then a child attending a public or private school. I suppose that is why I was so irritated after checking out the K12 online program a few days ago. They told me that for the basic 4 subjects it would be $1200-$5000 per child depending if you went on your own or if you did their private school option. I was like, "WTF!". First of all, I would never pay that and second, my kids need a more quality education then that. They gave me a "trial" membership to their website and I was not impressed at all. I might consider it if it was free and then I would only consider it. I do know that I MUST use a fully accredited curriculum with my children throughout high school years in order for them to be accepted into any college or University of their choice. I would never inhibit my child's future like that. Luckly, if they choose to continue homeschooling when we settle down, there are several accredited homeschooling programs available. Although, in my option, they seem to overcharge.
Lastly, over the next few days, it will began cooling down here in the daytime. I cannot wait for highs in the 70's! Only a couple of days away, literally! Oh, also I am several chapters into the 2nd book in the Fifty Shades Trilogy. The second book is even better! I cannot wait until the 3rd! I will be really upset when I finish them. I have fallen in love with Christian Gray, lol.  I better end this blog for now and began our next subject of the day. Enjoy your day friends!

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